United We Stand
Hate never made any nation great.
Our Spring Box is a celebration of our greatest strength: our diversity. In our Spring box, you will only find items by makers who fall under that newly-maligned term, "DEI." Some of us are trans, some queer, some Black, some multiracial, some disabled, some neurodiverse, some more than one of those things. And we're darn good at what we do.
Remember: together we stand, and divided, we fall. Stand with your communities, back each other up, protest and call your reps. Together, we are indivisible.

The Marshmallow Midwinter Collection
Sihaya & Company News!
United We Stand →
Hey gang. Given everything that's happening in the US right now, it's felt like a really awkward time to be promoting my business. I was really struggling to come up...
Winter is live at Sihaya & Co! →
Heya everybody. So, it's been tough lately, huh? Speaking for myself, I'd like to crawl under some blankets for the next four years and only pop my head out for...
Things are going Bump In The Night! →
Spooky Season is nearly upon us! To celebrate, we've launched our Halloween box, Bump In The Night. It's a celebration of the frightening things that lurk in the forest and...