1. Unfortunately, we will be saying adieu to Gardens After The Storm soon. Two of its main components were discontinued a little over a year ago, and I am coming to the end of my hoard. What is on the site right now is all that will be stocked of the scent. While my reformulation efforts have gotten close, it's not been quite right. I do have a version I really enjoy that has a much more thyme-forward feel, but it's not quite the same scent. I may release it in the future, but for the time being, Gardens is having its curtain call.
But fear not, green lovers! At the end of the Arthurian Collection's run, The Green Knight will be joining The Favorites Collection. It's like Gardens's big brother. It's deeper, greener, and with distinctive petrichor and wet soil notes. If you're sad, give it a shot! It's personally one of my favorite "green" scents that I have created, and I hope you'll love it, too!

2. We're getting a new Favorites Collection scent!
Vespertina: Lavender sprigs, sage, cedar, muskmallow ambrette, and incense smoke.
I know a lot of people are skeptical about lavender, but I want to assure you: this is NOT your grandma's lavender sachet! Vespertina uses a lovely provence lavender on a bed of musky ambrette, cedar, and swirling incense smoke. It's the scent of soft twilight, where all is silent and sacred. If you're looking for a scent to help you wind down the day, Vespertina is for you!

3. As many of you know, my favorite video games of all time are the Dragon Age series. I already have several candles and lip products that reference the series in my collection. Over the holidays, my gift to some of my closest DA friends was custom candles with scents blended to evoke their favorite in-game love interests. One of those, The Commander, named for Cullen, caught a lot of attention when I posted it. Truth be told, it's one of my favorite personal blends, and I recently made another batch for my own use. I'm offering it as a Limited Edition so you can have some, too! Fun fact: we actually know what Cullen smells like. In the multiplayer version of Inquisition, someone describes Cullen's scent as oakmoss and elderflower!
The Commander: Oakmoss, elderflower, golden amber resin, and oud wood.

4. As many of you know, The Fan Collection is a tradition over at Sihaya & Company Fans. Every year, I let members of the group suggest scent concepts and note combinations. At the end of the suggestion period, there is a short voting period. The top vote-getters are then produced for a limited time. Many fan favorites like Egyptian Kyphi and Salem Visit began in the Fan Collection!
The suggestion period ends on Tuesday 3/21 and voting will begin the following day!
5. UPDATE: The Spring Box. Right now, I'm expecting the final component for the Spring Box to arrive from Deconstructing Eden on Wednesday. Spring Boxes will therefore ship on Thursday and Friday. In fact, I'll be completely caught up through order #5535 by Friday.

6. I am SO EXCITED that reknowned watercolor artist Joanna Barnum has asked me to be a part of her Elemental Pumpkins Kickstarter!
I am crafting four bespoke candles to go with her paintings:
Jack-O-Earth: Ripening pumpkin, oud, pine needles, and freshly dug soil.
Jack-O-Air: White pumpkin, soft sandalwood, vanilla musk, and autumn leaves.
Jack-O-Fire: Toasted pumpkin, clove, cinnamon, and cardamom.
Jack-O-Water: Pumpkin flesh, forget me nots, lavender, and falling rain.
Check out the Kickstarter to grab yours!
And that's all the news that's fit to print! Happy Spring to everybody and Blessed Ostara to those that celebrate!