7/4 update: Temporary shipping delay due to illness

Hey friends. I'm writing to let you know that there will be a temporary delay in shipping orders because I am very sick. What started as a sore throat from overuse at Charmfest became a sinus infection when I came home to a very ill toddler. He's on the mend with the help of antibiotics, but my husband and I are still in the thick of it. The silver lining is that we have all repeatedly tested negative for Covid.

I went to urgent care this morning after an evening of sleep disrupted by an awful cough and the worst facial pain I've felt since a botched dental extraction. I'm now on a fun cocktail of steroids, anti-inflammatories, and cough suppressants.

The pain is tolerable now and I'm resting comfortably, but for your safety and my recovery, I will not be resuming making / shipping before Friday, July 8th.  

If your order is time sensitive and you would prefer a refund over delayed shipment, please contact me and I will get that done asap.

Thanks for understanding!



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